Sunday, November 23, 2014

A New Door, Odyssey of Soul Love

I'm up this morning listening to noises outside and in my head. It gets louder, and louder, then there is silence. This is my morning awakening to the invitation of silence. So, many insights have come and passed leaving there evocation upon my heart and broaden my awareness of my souls urge to create something new.

I ponder what is this idea of "Something New" mean to me. I hear myself using the words and calling it by it's name given by me, but what does that really mean to me and how do I apply the concept practically in my life. So, I contemplate.

My life has been a life of suffering balanced by a joyful spirit and when I think about creating "Something New" my thoughts remind me of this and how now I desire to live a life of happiness balanced by a joyful grateful spirit. The first 47 years of my life have taught me the preciousness of life, living it, sharing it, embracing it, love and loving from the center and depth of the very essence of my souls urge to be the Inspiration of Love where ever I am, wherever I go, whom ever  I am with, and the unyielding offerings in the service to love with my soul mate.

See, in my visions, I was conceived from an ancestral prayer. Summons here to bring forth the Inspiration of Love within all of humanity. My soul journ has taught me that this is why every aspect of my life was on purpose, thus I have no regrets about any of it. I've also learned that many of the perceived wounds occurred walk with me like friends today and help me learn from their presence in my dream. I think I was about 8 or 9 when I had my first vision and encounter with the Mind.

I mention being conceived of an ancestral prayer, because I am manifestation of prayer, I am a living prayer, I am a prayer of love, I am a sacred woman of love. So, this "Something New", is really not new at all but new to me in my willingness to experience love with an opening heart. Especially, now that I am growing in wisdom and understanding of love, it's meaning, it's presence, it's power, it's passion, it's wisdom, it's loyalty, it's royalty, it's mysteries, and it's empowerment in my daily awareness.  

I read a quote that went something like this "Do people choose their path, or does the path choose them?", I happen to know for myself that it has been a combination of both. That which you are seeking is seeking you, hence the emergence of the Odyssey of Soul Love.

Love always, hugs

Your sister, your friend, a sacred woman

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